Supplier Profile

Name everlight
Description EVERLIGHT Electronics Co., Ltd. was founded in 1983 in Taipei, Taiwan led by Chairman Robert Yeh. EVERLIGHT has over 33 years of R&D experience for reliable capability. With immediate service and an excellent brand reputation, EVERLIGHT has taken top five worldwide in the competitive LED market. Our products are manufactured and packed in-house to guarantee maximum quality and service. EVERLIGHT provides a diverse product portfolio consisting of High Power LEDs, SMD LEDs, Lamps, Lighting Components, LED Lighting Modules, Digital Displays, Opto-couplers and Infrared Components for various applications. Today, EVERLIGHT is a global company with over 6,400 employees based in China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, India, Germany and U.S.A. 亿光电子创立于1983年,以超过三十三年以上于LED产业的深厚实力,整合专业研发、业务及市场团队,以客户需求为导向,就其各种不同的应用提供完整全方位的解决方案,产品线包括High Power LEDs, SMD LEDs, Lamps, Lighting Components, LED Lighting Modules, Digital Displays, Opto-couplers and Infrared Components等。客户可以依照本身应用产品的需求,在亿光选择到最适合的封装产品,使用适合的LED才可以达到应用产品最佳的效率与品质表现。亿光多年来以「同心协力、勇往直前、奋战不懈」的精神为理念,已在全球LED市场占有率位居前5大的成绩,亿光将继续开发更多元应用的LED产品,提供客户各种无可挑剔的产品方案,共创双赢的未来!
Address line 1 广州番禺市桥科技大厦
Address line 2 QQ:312066116
State/Province Guangdong
Countries China
Zip or Postal code 511400
Phone 18613078363
Phone Extension
Fax 18613078363
Company Website