MPW86 Wheel Drive

ElectroCraft, Inc
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MPW86 Wheel Drive
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Modified on: February 22,2021  
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Supplier part number: MPW86
Name:MPW86 Wheel Drive
Description:ElectroCraft MobilePower™ MPW series wheel drives feature an integrated design that provides increased performance and reliability compared to traditional motor/gearbox/wheel combinations. •The MPW86 Wheel Drive (200 mm Wheel), provides a robust peak torque of 35 Nm (310 at 1.9 meters/second, while carrying up to 227 Kg (500 lbs.) per wheel.


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ElectroCraft, Inc
ElectroCraft, Inc. specializes in dependable, application-engineered specialty fractional-horsepower motor and motion products. The ElectroCraft Powering Innovation custom manufacturing services cover the following products: AC motors, DC motors, brushless motors, gearboxes, servo motors, AC gear motors, DC gear motors, brushless gear motors, stepping motors, linear actuators, integrated motor drives, motor generators, motor speed controls, servo drives, stepping drives, electric circuits for the control and regulation of electric motors, electric controls for electric motors, amplifiers for electric motors, position controls for electric motors, stepping controls for electric motors and electric motor speed sensors. Utilizing our lean business process and worldwide resources, we are able to meet the needs of customers consistently, effectively, and efficiently. Our products are found in thousands of different applications from air conditioners to aircraft. Some are stock. Some are configured and some are fully custom. Yet they all have one thing in common. They all live up to the same demanding levels of quality ElectroCraft has built its reputation around. ElectroCraft is headquartered in the United States in Dover, New Hampshire and support the needs of our global customers with operations in Europe and Asia, as well.
ElectroCraft, Inc
1 Progress Drive
Dover, New Hampshire, 03820
United States
Phone: 844-338-8114
Fax: (603) 742-9080
Web Page: http://www.electrocraft.c...
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