Littelfuse mini fuse blade fuse 25 amp 0297025

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Littelfuse mini fuse blade fuse 25 amp 0297025
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Wrong PartNumber="0297025" specified. Please check the configuration information before proceeding: model configuration will be set to default configuration.
Modified on: December 12,2016  
Downloads: 2085

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Supplier part number: 0297025
Name:Littelfuse mini fuse blade fuse 25 amp 0297025
Description:Part complies with mechanical dimensions of data sheet - Part also has all mechanical details that one would see looking at the actual fuse. Part renders nicely.
Supplier name:WAYTECK
Supplier part number:0297025


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Mike Hoover
8/23/2022 12:59:39 PM
Nice Model
I have to verify it against manufacturers drawing to confirm accuracy but it appears to be what I need.

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Patrick Langlois
2/24/2021 2:12:23 PM
Beautiful 3D drawing, exactly what I needed
Beautiful drawing of a mini fuse. Perfect match of what I needed.
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Yannick Verbelen
4/3/2020 8:43:26 AM
Great looking model
Looks fantastic in CircuitMaker
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Bruce Bushey
11/16/2019 4:39:00 PM
exactly what I was looking for
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Ulf Sahlstrm
8/22/2019 8:22:59 AM
Very nice
Nice job! The STEP-model obviously doesn''t become transparent like the SW version, but it does the job.
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12/20/2018 4:26:06 PM
Great Model
Thanks! Useful and great detail.
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Steve Hills
10/24/2018 2:35:08 PM
Lovely model
Thanks. It was ideal and saved me time in making one up myself. 
Great detail and accuracy.
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Dan Utley
7/23/2018 4:16:25 PM
Clean work, professional!
Thanks Mark for this precise model!
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Irina Shishkareva
6/14/2017 6:36:08 AM
Great. Thanks a lot for this model.
If you use Catia (in my case R5.19.) it is better to choose IGES format. STEP format is translated with a loss
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Alain Bergeron
1/30/2017 3:57:35 PM
Super bien fait avec tout l''arbre de création
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Mark Ross

User since: 4/18/2006
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