The Pharma II Compact Control Monitor forsanitary diaphragm valve monitoring andcontrol incorporates new design features thatmeet the challenges of modernpharmaceutical and biotech facilityapplications. Its low profile and tool-freeaccess make it ideal for short bend radiusinstallations. The Pharma II utilizes a patentpending, self-setting limit switch assembly,engineered to reduce nuisance alarms andfalse trips created by changes in valve seatdurometer. The switch assembly containshermetically sealed bifurcated switches whosesnap-action and self-cleaning functionalitiesmake them ideal for use with high or lowcurrent switching of inductive and resistiveloads. Zero leakage current means excellentperformance in modern, low current I/Osystems. The patent-pending, self-setting HighDefinition Visual Indicator provides a 360° viewup to 100 feet away, and the modular designallows the easy addition of our puck-stylesolenoid valve base. The Pharma II solenoidpilot valve employs lapped-spool technologyfor proven reliability and minimal maintenance.Features• Compact 3.39" height (without solenoid)• Modular– Base plate mounted Puck solenoid withQuickSwap twist lock installation– QuickSwap conventional and networkelectronic modules• Designed for simple installation andmaintenance– No tool enclosure entry– Screw on lid– Easy access to terminal strip for internalwiring– Modular design allows the quick changeout of electronics/switch module orsolenoid.• Compatible with all valve stroke sizes andall manufacturers products