Mates & Relations

Modified on: July 12,2019  
Downloads: 1691  


Description:Adds mates or relations to selected assembly or sketch entities, respectively. Also prompts user to enter separation distance/angle for those types of mates. Same macro/keyboard shortcut can be used for both mating and relations. For example, one macro does both coincident mate as well as coincident relation. No need for separate keyboard maps. These macros run as separate methods from within a single macro (.swp) file. So you can't run them using Tools>Macro>Run. They must either be assigned to buttons or dropped into the \SolidWorks\macros directory.
    Precondition: Mateable entities selected
  Postcondition: Selected entities are mated
SOLIDWORKS version: 2007
Programming Language: SW_VBA


Macros might contain viruses or other security hazards. SOLIDWORKS Corporation has not verified that the macros posted on this site are safe and that they came from a trustworthy source.

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Mahir Abrahim

User since: 2/27/2007
Title: Engineer
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