This fun assembly shows the use of various techniques to give the appearance of over a hundred swords comprising the chair without having to actually place all those swords one by one. The challenge with this chair was to not have to make each individual sword and place them one by one. To be more efficient, mirroring and patterning was used throughout the main part and also the assembly.The chair is broken up into the front and sides in main part. The back section of the chair and the seat rest are created in the assembly. Multiple sword configurations are used to vary the swords to make it look less uniform.Different techniques are used to create sketch paths for the sword blade sweeps including intersection curve, projected curve, spline on surface and split line features. Some of the unique features in the parts include projected curve, insert part, flex, split line curve, move/copy body and move face. Feature scope is used through out the part and assembly to control which solids or components are affected by a feature. Other features included in the models are lofts, multiple sweeps, combine and split features.There are many different examples of patterns in the part and assembly to speed up the process of placing multiple swords. Linear, circular, sketch and even curve driven patterns are used in this assembly. There is even an example of a circular pattern of a sketched driven pattern. Download this file to learn more about how make 3D curves for 3D sweeps, and various part and assembly patterns.